Leverage Your Funds Up To 100:1 ForexWebTrader’s Platform.
Forex crosses are traded on a margin of 1%, where a deposit of USD 10,000 can be used to command Forex positions of up to USD 1 Million on the market.
Target Bid/Ask spreads
The target bid/ask spreads listed are our best possible target spreads seen in normal market conditions. In volatile market conditions spreads may widen, usually by not more than 3 pips.
Trading Hours
The Forex market is open from Monday 05:00 Sydney local time (currently Sunday 18:00 GMT) till Friday 17:00 New York local time (currently Friday 22:00 GMT)
Position Rollovers
Spot Forex positions held until the end of the business day before their Value Date will be rolled over to a new Value Date on a Tom/Next basis (one business day forward). As part of the rollover, positions are subject to a swap charge or credit based on the LIBOR/LIBID interest rates of the two traded currencies with an added a markup of +/- 0.25%
Currency Conversions
Currency conversions of profits and losses from trading activities are done using the prevailing close rate at New York (5pm New York time) plus/minus 0.5%.